JAVA 2 DJ Mixer/Sequencer Made With the JAVA 2 Sound API

We were approached in June of 2000 to create an interactive web-based music application for IBM's Developer Works and

We strategically used the frame accuracy of the JAVA 2 sound api to defeat synchronization problems to ensure smooth and stutter free playback. Using sound manipulation software and a library of versatile material, we sat down and pulled out 32 samples that best represented what we believed the audience at Club Planet would appreciate.

We streamlined the graphic design of the DJ Mixer/Sequencer to focus on the sound handling capabilities of the Java 2 API sound module. The interface is geared to facilitate the quick loading of the samples and to provide the user with an obvious and intuitive music sequencing system.

Final Touches - Making Music
In the most basic scenario, the user simply chooses four samples, one for each track, and presses play.

Advanced options included the ability to audition each track separately and to control the volume of each sample for every four bar phrase.